the 2003China International Weighing Instrument Exhibition
The InterWEIGHING2003 on 01-03 Nov., 2003 at
Shanghai was a resounding success. Below let's review the exhibition
with some pictures ......
visitors came from all over the world |
The guests of honor cut the ribbon for the
opening ceremony of the Interweighing2003
Mr. Liu XiaoHua, secretary general of CWIA, chaired the
opening ceremony |
Mr.Cao Liping, Vice President of CWIA, delivered the opening
address |
Mr. Huang Jinsheng,
director general of Taibei Weighing Measurement Commercial
Association presented the gift to Mr. Zhang Jingyao,
director general of China
Weighing Instrument Association for the 20th anniversary of CWIA. |
During the period of the exhibition, the Fourth National
Weighing Technology Thesis Publishing Meeting and News Release
Meeting for New Technologies and New Products of Weighing
Instruments were held simultaneously. |
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